001: This is how we end it
P/S: this post had been written on 4th Jan. Obviously it's intended as the concluding post fr 2011. But somehow I frgot to post it up.BHA-HA :p (I think this is one of just a few of my longest posts ever)
I have not yet say a proper goodbye to 2011. *yeah, imma slow snail I know* But hey, there's nothing wrong with the lingering part. In fact, we always try as much to prolong good things that happened in our life. Though I must say, 2011 ain't filled with big achievements as much as I wanted to, it was a fulfilling one.
Here's some recap of the amazing path I've been through..
Personally, 2011 starts off with promising lights, having fallen in love with a man which I (at that time) feel, he would be the one to replace my first love but as we move on to later chapters of my life, I see that it's all just a dream. Like every other dream, when you woke up in the morning it's all gone. Let just stop it right there, shall we? I don't want to run much further on that topic. I don't want to hurt anybody's feeling nor I want to hurt mine myself.
I love the fact that last year, I learn to make so many new friends & discover new people that inspire me so much in many different fields of life (remind me to tell you guys who these people are on other post perhaps). And beside my good old schoolmates which I love ever so fondly, I also found another coolio sets of families!
1) Fruitfaces family!
2) Cartoon family!
- There are Teletubies (Rai), Tweety (Mira), Sandy (Damia), Patrick (Me!) & Farah but I forgot which character is hers Nobita kot. :p BHAHAHA
Okay okay, I know those sets are kinda funny, but I love it! I love those individuals personally as a person as they are unique, in their own ways and great to be with. I hope to find more individuals to befriend with, get to know them closer and learn as much from their personalities.
Anyway, last year *ehem it sounds like ages ago, isn't it?* I also managed involve in more & more plays & theatre! Wohoo! And I'm loving every single one of it. These are plays which I, luckily, get the opportunity to involve:-
1) Cherita Anak Siapa with Ombak Jahat productions
2) Boleh Jah with X-factor productions
3) Everyman with my very own classmate productions
4) Alice in Wonderland charity theatre with ELITS society
5) Silence, please! with X-factor productions
Through, Silence, please!, me & my fellow mates, manage to get our first taste ever in entering a theater competition in IIUM theater scene *others we do just as performance*. And guess what? We won 3 awards out of 8! The best part is *despite some silly criticism from haters*, we won the Best Overall Production. Yippee! I am eternally grateful for that. :')
Beside theater, last year had also gives me two wonderful and opportunities to learn new things.
1) Theater Workshop at SMK Seri Sepang by Ombak Jahat Productions.
First, during my short semester, I got to experience the other side of theater. I taught the basic skill in Theater during a Theater Workshop in SMK Seri Sepang with my crazy & funny fellows from Ombak Jahat productions (Poji, Hariz, Epul, Me, Parslan, Shariman & Rabab). This is when I start to realise that I actually enjoy teaching & be surrounded by kids. Can't wait to have another round of this!
2) I become DJ for Chocolate Fair during the Convest.
This is random actually. I just put out my name to try this thing but hell, I had a good time being a DJ. I even get to make new friends, not just from my fellow committees but also from the vendors! haha. I remember well the friendly, ex-soldier Uncle who sells delicious chocolate beside DJ counter, the bunch of foreigners who sell super-cheap novels & gave me extra discount for books I bought, & the Abangs *cheesy ain't it?* who sell kurma juice which I bought almost everyday during my shift and they even give me free bottle of kurma cordial on the last day. Oh, how I miss all those people!
God, I'm not even halfway through my memories & it's already been this long? See how much I babble? That's why I remain composed in most of my post *as if*.
ehem ehem, boleh tak nak berhenti sbb malas nak sambung? takat ni je eden rajin *which is a big deal ok, i usually post much shorter than this*. I wish to write more on my friends & family but I'll post it later la as single individual post.
To go on with the recaps and all, to shorten such a long but wonderful journey of a year in your life is almost impossible especially if you are those type of person who appreciate small things in life. Too many things that words or even pictures alone can't speak of what had happened, so I let my heart & my mind kept it all safe as memories. Memories that will lingers on within me, rewinding itself to remind us on the intricacies of life.
So to end it, last year has been good fr me & my family. Been out and about. Learn so much. Spend time with friends while meet up with new ones. Have ups and downs in life. Currently being ever-so enthusiastic to start up new ventures, facing new challenges, and saying hi to the impossible.
To go on with the recaps and all, to shorten such a long but wonderful journey of a year in your life is almost impossible especially if you are those type of person who appreciate small things in life. Too many things that words or even pictures alone can't speak of what had happened, so I let my heart & my mind kept it all safe as memories. Memories that will lingers on within me, rewinding itself to remind us on the intricacies of life.
So to end it, last year has been good fr me & my family. Been out and about. Learn so much. Spend time with friends while meet up with new ones. Have ups and downs in life. Currently being ever-so enthusiastic to start up new ventures, facing new challenges, and saying hi to the impossible.
Bring it on!