
Showing posts from February, 2012

016: To you

I don't know whether this is true.  But I get most reads from Romania instead of Malaysia. So whoever from Romania that reads my blog,  Thank you, you've made my day, love! 

015: I have nothing more to say to anyone


014: tutup mata dan lihat

"Apa yang ada pada dunia, jika Akhirat itu lebih pasti.." "Apa yang dharapkan pada cinta manusia, jika cinta Allah itu yang hakiki.."

013: tentang seseorang

belog ini bukan untuk kau tapi untuk aku belog ini untuk hati aku untuk aku bila tua nanti, aku nak baca semula *kalau umur panjang la* supaya nanti aku boleh gelakkan diri sendiri aku boleh cakap, "apalah yang aku pikir masa muda muda dulu, hampeh weyh hampeh" sebab bila dah tua,  aku dah nampak hampir keseluruh lukisan yang aku dah warnakan kat kanvas hidup ini masa sekarang, mungkin aku tak nampak lagi aku masih lagi bermain warna tapi masa tu,  aku dah masak dengan hidup aku dah tahu apa yang aku tak tahu sekarang bila aku tua, dan aku baca semula apa aku tulis kat sini, aku akan cakap "hmm, ya ya, aku ingat lagi apa jadi masa aku tulis ni" and all the memories flood in my mind this is my memorabilia to-be this place is not for you, not for anyone but for me, just me. [so shoo away this is not a place fr you  unless you come in peace]

012: This is the mood I'm in


011: Dear heart

Dear heart,  Stop being so fragile because there's no one to mend it. Stop expecting too much because none of it will happen as you wish it. Stop depending on someone fr that happiness because it's you who know how to make yrself happy. Please wake up because reality is nothing much from that dream of yours. Please wake up because it's time fr you to start painting all those dreams into reality. You yourself & with the help Allah alone. None others can help you through, none. So, just stop please.

010: Short & Sweet #2

I'm staying away I'll be steering myself clear off facebook and twitter for a while. (read: A WHILE) Maybe I'll stay deactivated fr a few weeks and see how it goes.  This is one of my own challenge fr me to prove to myself, that I'm better off without these social networking sites. But I'll still be here in blog and tumblr.  It's a big think hokay since there are some of my friends that can only be connected thru these sites. Esp those who are abroad. Those are the only place where I can get updates about them. But anyway, it doesn't matter really, I can just activate it back once my mission is accomplished.  So, byebye social networking. see you in 2-3 weeks! ;D

009: Mute

Your silence is killing me. It leaves me in dark, in misery, in despair. It makes me over-think, assume the worst than it actually is. It makes me cry,  it makes me sad, it makes me feel like screaming. It left me insecure, it makes me feel wasted, it tarnishes every bit of confidence that is left within me. It makes me lose hope,  it blinds me off from hopes, it shuts me off from any from every possible light n drives me crazy in darkness. Its time to break on the silence, and put some light to this room. 

008: Out of chaos

In internet world, there's only a few places where I can seek solitude. . . . . . . Others are just full of bollocks & pretentious organism which I failed to understand.

007: Dreams dreams

 One day when the time comes, i t would be perfect if  I could snuggle up with my husband and spend the night watching football matches together.  And we end up cuddling together in our sleep ♥

006: Photorama #1

The Dak Don's One crazy, big, awesome family. Lama dah rasanya tak gather reramai cenggini. Kinda miss all those moments.

005: Short and Sweet #1

"Kau memang patut amek minor Sociology, kau terlalu cintakan manusia" Well, yalah, betul kata kau. As much as I hate to admit it, there are still small things in human that I love so much. Orang orang biasa yang jalan tepi tepi jalan tu pon mampu beri perubahan dengan memberi sedikit inspirasi, beri sedikit nafas baru terhadap kehidupan   pada diri aku . Dan dengan itu, aku decide *ini nekad oke takda berpaling dah lepas ni*, aku akan pursue untuk ambil minor Sociology. Bukan sebab peluang pekerjaan, tapi sebab aku tahu aku akan suka apa aku belajar nanti.  sekian. ;)