Chapitre 10.11 : fool
dear enchik belog,
fool you. nah! sila salahkan diri kaw sendiri sekarang. kaw dah ade 2org, tu pon kaw susa sangat na plih. sekarang kaw ngade2 na tmbh lg dlm senarai. i don't know y, but everytime i want to befriend with somebody. that guy would somehow likes me, really likes me. I'M NOT BEING VAIN THIS TIME. cause u can really feel n see if a guy is into you. especially when he confess it. what had i done wrong? saya cume mahu berkawan.
there's another one. new, super cute. n super nice. rily. he's so fun to befriend with. working kat kfc is damn memenatkann stressful, but we sometimes makes some jokes to cope with it. dis guy keje skejap je, then quit. he go back to work at his previous workplace. but we still contact each other. then, DAMN, he said to me.
there's another guy. meet at the internet. gila, poyo, annoyingly vain, but sgt2 besh. a super great friend. tiap2 hari ade je nak bertelagah di dalam alam maya. gosip dikalangan sahabat alam maya tersebar. oke lagi, then we go 4 ym, then text, thennn wooooshh, he, too said it.
next, this one, i thought he just wanna be my friends. but, he seems to be pretty attracted. i'm secretly praying that he won't like me. well, it's okay if it just as a friend. but not more than that.
all i want to do is just befriend with them. i LOVE making friends. i don't know where the mistakes. but i don't wanna lose another super duper great friend of mine. shit!
oke, sila diam sekarang. somebody who read this might know one of these guys. but, tape la. i'm sick of it. i'm sick of turning somebody off. serioous shit. i DON'T wanna lose any of them.
is it my fault?
oke, dulu, masa keje kat kfc, i meet this is nice. since, semua, oke not semua, mostly all the lads that works in kfc perangai, masyaAllah, mcm setan, but dye sgt baek. siapa tanak kawan kan? dah baik kot. i always borak ngn die when i got tyme. oke, in short this guy likes me.
there's another one. new, super cute. n super nice. rily. he's so fun to befriend with. working kat kfc is damn memenatkann stressful, but we sometimes makes some jokes to cope with it. dis guy keje skejap je, then quit. he go back to work at his previous workplace. but we still contact each other. then, DAMN, he said to me.
there's another guy. meet at the internet. gila, poyo, annoyingly vain, but sgt2 besh. a super great friend. tiap2 hari ade je nak bertelagah di dalam alam maya. gosip dikalangan sahabat alam maya tersebar. oke lagi, then we go 4 ym, then text, thennn wooooshh, he, too said it.
next, this one, i thought he just wanna be my friends. but, he seems to be pretty attracted. i'm secretly praying that he won't like me. well, it's okay if it just as a friend. but not more than that.
all i want to do is just befriend with them. i LOVE making friends. i don't know where the mistakes. but i don't wanna lose another super duper great friend of mine. shit!
oke, sila diam sekarang. somebody who read this might know one of these guys. but, tape la. i'm sick of it. i'm sick of turning somebody off. serioous shit. i DON'T wanna lose any of them.
is it my fault?
i'm sorry.

really, i truly am.
please don't go away and hate me.

really, i truly am.
please don't go away and hate me.

terbaekkkkkk la weyy.
tu la kawh.
spe sroh lawa sgt.
tidak boleh.
abg terlalu rmai isteri.
adek tidak mahu masok dlm senarai.
hihihi. ;)
weyh. xlawa kot.
sengal je lebey. keh3.
bagus. hehe
kita kawan baik.. sangat baik (i claim so..hehe..)
but we both know where we should draw the line between us right..
isy.. susah betul jadi laki kan..
asal kawan dengan perempuan jer mula lah naik nafsu.. nasib la aku nih 'amfibia'
erm.. i'm not sure that i hate coupling but since i've been studying in Nilam Puri, i've learnt so many things and started to practice about all what our faith has fixed clearly in our daily life..
aku dah mula merepek.. lalala~..